Updates on gaps and crossovers

It's that time of year again: results, results and more results. So: For SATS taken by around 600,000 10- and 11-year-olds, I'll let the official DfE announcement speak: "Girls continue to outperform boys across all subjects at the expected standard. In 2019, 70% of girls reached the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined) compared to 60% of boys, a gender gap of 10 percentage points, up from 8pp in 2018. This has been driven by an increase in the gender gap in reading, where both boys and girls saw a fall in the proportion reaching the expected standard between 2018 and 2019, but the fall was higher for boys…
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An update on the PP

New Year's Day, and the chance to take stock on the Paula Principle.  I finished the book a year ago but still haven't managed to find a publisher.  I'll have in any case to update it (once I finish what I'm currently doing, a report for Unesco on the state of play on adult learning across the world), partly because some of the statistics need it but also because some of the debate on gender issues has moved on.  I still don't claim to be a gender specialist, but writing the book has meant that my eye is caught by gender items in the media, and this has prompted some…
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Updates on gaps and crossovers

It's that time of year again: results, results and more results. So: For SATS taken by around 600,000 10- and 11-year-olds, I'll let the official DfE announcement speak: "Girls continue to outperform boys across all subjects at the expected standard. In 2019, 70% of girls reached the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined) compared to 60% of boys, a gender gap of 10 percentage points, up from 8pp in 2018. This has been driven by an increase in the gender gap in reading, where both boys and girls saw a fall in the proportion reaching the expected standard between 2018 and 2019, but the fall was higher for boys…
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An update on the PP

New Year's Day, and the chance to take stock on the Paula Principle.  I finished the book a year ago but still haven't managed to find a publisher.  I'll have in any case to update it (once I finish what I'm currently doing, a report for Unesco on the state of play on adult learning across the world), partly because some of the statistics need it but also because some of the debate on gender issues has moved on.  I still don't claim to be a gender specialist, but writing the book has meant that my eye is caught by gender items in the media, and this has prompted some…
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